with Akteurinnen für urbanen Ungehorsam (2023): Kollektiv und Kämpfend – Stadt feministisch gedacht. Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s seminar (one semester) for the Q-Studies series at HafenCity University. April – September, Hamburg.
with Armin Beverungen, Timon Beyes and Ilia Antenucci (2022): Media Organize. Seminar within the Master Program Culture and Organization at Leuphana University. April – September, Lüneburg.
Student Tutor at the Bachelor’s seminar Urbanes Labor from April 2018 – September 2021 at the program “Kultur der Metropole”, HafenCity University Hamburg.
I have supervised Bachelor theses at HafenCity University Hamburg and Leuphana University Lüneburg.
If you’re looking for a supervisor for your Bachelor thesis and feel like your topics align with my research or interests, please feel warmly invited to reach out to me! I’m very happy to help if my capacities and schedule allow.