cities, uncertainties, technocapitalism, Amazon, infrastructures, logistics, body politics, everything “smart something” in relation to urban space, hackfeminism, gender, glitch, collectivity
04/2022 – today
Ph.D. research-project „Cities on Demand? Unboxing Urban Un_Certainties from Amazon’s Algorithmic Architectures and Forecasted Futures“
Leuphana University Lüneburg
11/2021 – today
Research associate with the „Automating the Logistical City:
Space, Algorithm, Speculation“ research project
Center for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University Lüneburg
10/2018 – 09/2021
M.Sc. Urban Design, HafenCity University Hamburg
10/2014 – 09/2017
B.A. Kultur der Metropole, HafenCity University Hamburg
01-06/2024 AlgorithmWatch algorithmic accountability reporting fellow
01/2023 – today
Appointed member of the International Information and Initiative Group “Gender and Spatial Transformation“
ARL – Academy for Territorial Development in the Leipniz Association, Hannover
12/2022 – today
Composer and Co-Curator of the fluid DiskursDisco collective
for FLINTA- and ‘early-career-researchers’
01/2022 – today
Member of the research colloquium “Feminismus, Forschung und Friends“
Zentrum Gender & Diversity, Hamburg
11/2021 – today
Member of the international research network “Speculative Ordinaries“
University of Notre Dame and Leuphana University of Lüneburg (co-organized with Armin Beverungen, Randi Heinrichs, Ilia Antenucci, and Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal)
10/2020 – today
Member of the AK Feministische Geographien
10/2028 – today
Co-Founder of the Akteurinnen für urbanen Ungehorsam
interdisciplinary and independent urban research collective, Hamburg
Participant at the Digital IDEAS Summer Institute “Digital X Climate“
The Digital Studies Institute, University of Michigan/online
04 + 09/2023
Working group on “Mapping Amazon’s Logistical Urbanism in the
Ruhr Region“, co-organized with Armin Beverungen and Ilia Antenucci
Center for Advanced Internet Studies, Bochum
Participant at the Digital IDEAS Summer Institute
“Digital Physical Entanglements“
The Digital Studies Institute, University of Michigan/online