Hi, I’m Maja-Lee (you can listen to what my whole name sounds like here)! My pronouns are she/ her/ hers (or in German: sie/ihr).

I’m an urban researcher, sometimes designer, a passionate flâneuse and academic-activistic advocate for all things (techno)feminist and the right to the city. Also, I’m an ethnographic explorer and part-time mapper. I LOVE talking methods and getting inspired by the most mundane, quirky, and seemingly off-topic (but not) things.

Currently, I’m interrogating Amazon’s bytes, bodies, and boxes at the research project “Automating the Logistical City” at the Center for Digital Cultures at Leuphana University Lüneburg. With my colleagues Armin Beverungen, Laura Hille, and formerly Ilia Antenucci, I’m thinking through how big tech companies are increasingly shaping our cities – from the cloud and last mile into our living rooms and the (software) code of our most intimate (algorithmic) architectures. My dissertation takes up these questions with a focus on personal, public, and (technologically) predicted uncertainties and how they’re used by Amazon to build dependencies on their services – even for public goods.

I’m a co-founder of the independent and interdisciplinary city research collective “Akteurinnen für urbanen Ungehorsam” (Feminist Agents of Urban Disobedience) in Hamburg. We are four friends and fierce feminists collectively, creatively, and critically tackling patriarchy on various levels. I’ve also founded and co-curate the Re:Mixing-Methods-Format “DiskursDisco“, a solidary FLINTA-community that brings the disco back into methodological discourses.

I love: getting lost in the city, themed playlists, Janelle Monáe, Sara Ahmed, bell hooks (etc. etc.), mappings & diving into all kinds of new worlds.