

with Armin Beverungen (2024): Automating the logistical city: Mapping Amazon’s urbanism from the cloud to the curb. Public Lecture Series of Urban Future-Making at HafenCity University. December 3, Hamburg.

Voigt, Maja-Lee (2024): Wie Amazon städtische Infrastrukturen (auf)kauft – und was wir dagegen tun können. At: InterLause #12 – Berlin in den Warenkorb. Wie Amazon die Stadt kauft. November 14, Berlin.

Voigt, Maja-Lee (2024): MfG von AFK – Stadt feministisch hacken zwischen Algorithmus und Asphalt. A city/data/explosion-Event. May 7, Bremen.

with Armin Beverungen and Ulf Treger (2024): Justice at the End of the Supply Chain: Interrogating Amazon’s Logistical Urbanism from the Cloud to the Curb. Speaker Series “Delivery Exception – Supply Chain Justice & Reconciliation” organized by Matthew Hockenberry. February 21, online.

Voigt, Maja-Lee (2024): Hacking the Smart City — Cyberfeminist Resistance. Impuls for the exhibition “NOX” by Lawrence Lek. LAS Art Foundation, January 9, Berlin.


with Ilia Antenucci/ Armin Beverungen/ Randi Heinrichs/ Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal (forthcoming, 2025): Urban Speculations: Cities, Technologies, Futures. Conference at Center for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University Lüneburg.

Voigt, Maja-Lee for the “Automating the Logistical City” research project (2024): Brave New Home – Wie Big Tech die Stadt als ihr erweitertes Wohnzimmer begreift und was wir dagegen tun können. Workshop and panel discussion. February 20, Hamburg.

with Akteurinnen für urbanen Ungehorsm (2023): Ethnografie(ren) zwischen digitalen und analogen Welten. Workshop for the B.A. program „Kultur – Digitalisierung – Metropole“. HafenCity University Hamburg.

with Armin Beverungen and Ilia Antenucci (2023): Circulation Obsession – Following the Flows and Flaws of Big Tech’s Urban Logistical Infrastructures. Panel Discussion at sts-hub. March 17, Aachen.

with Armin Beverungen and Ilia Antenucci (2023): Amazon’s Urban Speculation. Panel at EASST 2022: Politics of technoscientific futures. July 7, Madrid.


with Elena Römer (2024): The City is Not Your Business – How tech companies are incorporating public infrastructures and how Haltung can be the driving force for (non-)desirable futures. 35th International Geographic Congress. August 27, Dublin.

with Akteurinnen für urbanen Ungehorsam (2024): Brauch Planung urbanen Ungehorsam? (Ja!). Comment for the conference „Wir müssen uns kümmern?! Gender als transformative Perspektive im Klimawandel“, June 13, Essen.

Voigt, Maja-Lee (2024): Unboxing Amazon – How Amazon is taking over (public) infrastructures and why we should care. re:publica 2024. May 27, Berlin.

Voigt, Maja-Lee (2023): Discussant at “DCS-Panel: Performative Researching on Urban Digital Sovereignty”. Organized by Niloufar Vadiati at HafenCity University Hamburg.

Voigt, Maja-Lee (2023): Unboxing Uncertainties – Interrogating Forecasting and Foreclosing Future Infrastructures in the Amazon Town. 18. Tagung Neue Kulturgeografie 2023: Geographies of Overlapping Crises. January 27, Halle.

Voigt, Maja-Lee (2022): Crazy, Classified City Life – Hackfeminist Future-Making Practices between Dystopia and Utopia, Predictability and Possibility. 8. International Working Conference of the Digital Anthropology Commission German Society for Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies – Digital Futures in the Making: Imaginaries, Politics, and Materialities. September 15, Hamburg.

Voigt, Maja-Lee (2022): 403 Access Forbidden or: A Backend of One’s Own. Hacking Spaces Toward a Cyber_Feminist_City. Beyond Smart Cities Today: Power, Justice and Resistance. June 17, Malmö.

with Ilia Antenucci and Armin Beverungen (2022): Amazon’s Urban Speculations. Beyond Smart Cities Today: Power, Justice and Resistance. June 16, Malmö.

with Ilia Antenucci and Armin Beverungen (2022): Automating the Logistical City. Project presentation at Centre for Advanced Internet Studies. January, Bochum/online.


Voigt, Maja-Lee (2024): Refusal and the Computational City. Input for the “History and Theory of Digitalization” Seminar by Prof. Dr. Hanna Göbel. June 24, HafenCity University Hamburg.

For presentations done with the Akteurinnen für urbanen Ungehorsam, see here.