Mappings & more

A medley of mappings from my work in various contexts

Space shuttle shaped skyscraper at the center of the image with various facade textures. Seemingly out of it are coming big waves with the title of the conference "Urban Speculations - Cities, Technologies, Futures" as well as the project title "Automating the Logistical City - Leuphana University Lüneburg" and the question "How does technological speculation shape urban futures?". In the left bottom corner is a container ship that is titled "Automation" in a water puddle made of words that aren't readable. Above is a black box with a skyline coming out of it. It sits rights below a sky out of dollar and euro signs which surround a camera and ring door bell that have eyes. It says ring ring. to the right, delivery robots and packages drive toward another skyline below and one with construction work going on even below that. Drones are circulating above.
Typo-heavy collage which visualizes the song "Tomboy" by Destiny Rogers. It's held in black, white, and red tones with various fonts and font sizes illustrating the lyrics. On the middle left there is a big red mouth on top of writing.
Collage which the title "International Pussy Konventionen." in the middle of the picture. Next to it, a white and pink asterix. Behind it is a blue, SCI-FI looking creature which has a set of boobs pinned on to of its front head. Above it a circle which says "Your first breath a cry lungs open"
blurry mapping of a street labeled with colorful thought associations from a Dérive